How a Traveling Nurse Can Overcome Fatigue

Overcome Fatigue

The job of being a nurse is challenging and, most of the time, extremely rewarding. Depending on which field of healthcare you’re working in to Overcome Fatigue, it’s also hectic and requires thinking on your feet at all times. (cymbalta)

This can get exhausting, especially when you’re a traveling nurse away from home for long periods. Without the sanctuary of your own place to recover, those long shifts can cause serious fatigue.

Since your patients rely on you to make life-or-death decisions about their health, mistakes are not an option. Yet, it’s part of our biology that we don’t function as well without rest. To overcome that part of your job and reduce fatigue as a travel nurse, follow these simple yet vital suggestions.

1. Find a Long-Term Place to Stay

Part of the allure of a job where you can travel is exploring new places all the time. As a nurse, this nomadic lifestyle also leads to extra fatigue.

It’s possible to capitalize on your work’s adventurous side while still keeping your mental and physical health on track. Try to compromise by staying in one place for an extended period. 

You don’t have to be tied down to a long-term contract, but you shouldn’t be on the road more than you’re on the job. That way, you can look for housing for traveling nurses that gives you the chance to unwind between shifts and recuperate. 

Rather than moving hotels every time you get settled, you can make your temporary home your own for a short period. 

2. Keep Up With Your Nutrition to  Overcome Fatigue

Those anatomy and biology classes will come in handy for you as you try to muster the energy to make it through your shift. You, of all people, understand the importance of fueling your body with the right nutrients and avoiding junk.

When you eat and drink right, your systems function at their optimal level, meaning you’re less likely to feel fatigued regularly. So, while those break-room donuts look yummy and you’re tempted to grab a caffeine boost from a sugary coffee-slash-dessert, you know better.

Instead, get your energy boost from natural sources, like B12 sublinguals and other vitamins and minerals. As your body gets used to having all its nutritional needs met, it will pay you back by running more efficiently.

Keep in mind that if you’re used to eating and drinking less than healthily, you may have nutritional deficiencies that have to be filled first. Don’t give up if you don’t notice a big difference after skipping your daily dose of Dr. Pepper. Only after those gaps are taken care of will you notice that consistent healthy feeling.

3. Find a Stress-Relieving Activity

It’s easy to look at the things you do doing your day as simply “part of the job.” Sure, they are all in a day’s work for a nurse, but that doesn’t mean they’re not stressful.

On top of your workload and the pressure of the job, you also have personal concerns to deal with. Chronic stress piles up if you don’t have a way to relieve it, and it turns into overwhelming fatigue.

There are various ways for those with a nomadic lifestyle to keep a routine of stress-relieving activities. Try one or all of these and see which ones invigorate you (or at least help you forget about some of your problems for a little while):

  • Hitting the fitness center at your hotel/apartment
  • Swimming
  • Yoga/meditation
  • Journaling
  • Spending at least 15 minutes sitting or walking outside each day
  • Joining social activities (try MeetUp or other groups where you can connect with people in the area safely)

Finding a hobby is another way to add more enjoyment and, therefore, less stress to your life. If you’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument or do something creative, squeeze in a few minutes a day to practice. 

You don’t have to become an instant hobby expert, but you’ll get there faster if you make baby steps. At the same time, you’ll be releasing a little of that built-up stress before it can become dangerous.


Finding a job where you get to explore the world and never get bored is a dream for many people, and you have it! As a traveling nurse, there are so many benefits to what you do. 

The main drawback is the extra level of fatigue that comes with the position, but with these simple tips, tiredness doesn’t have to be part of your job description.


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