What Sleeping Positions Will Be Best For You?

what Sleeping Positions

What Sleeping Positions Will Be Best For You?

Everybody needs to sleep, but everybody sleeps differently. There’s no established way that’s going to be best. Part of what influences the way you sleep will be your body type. The more toned you are, the easier it is to fall asleep on harsh surfaces. However, regardless of fitness, a totally flat surface with no “give” can end up being very bad for your back and hips.

It’s best, regardless of your primary sleeping position, to have some level of softness beneath you which relieves associated pressure to the hips and back. That said, some mattresses are better for one type of sleeper over another. Here we’ll briefly cover the three primary types of sleepers, as well as one category that encompasses all three.

Back Sleepers

Many people sleep on their backs with arms folded over their bellies. Some sleep this way with arms stiffly and rigidly resting by their sides. Weight distribution for back sleepers is different than for those who sleep in different positions. FFor many, in conjunction with a mattress, buckwheat pillows are necessary. This site offers some notable pillows for back sleepers.

Back Sleepers

Stomach Sleepers

Stomach sleeping tends to become less prevalent as people age, but many make it to adulthood sleeping this way and keep doing so. As with back sleepers, certain mattresses and pillows will be more effective for stomach sleepers than others.

If you’re someone who is a stomach sleeper, you might want to check out this recent article by Shape on mattresses designed for people who sleep that way. There are multiple options available, and you’re sure to find something that more effectively resonates with your sleeping preferences.

Stomach Sleepers

Side Sleepers

Side-sleeping is by many accounts one of the most healthy ways to get a good night’s rest, but for some sleepers, it’s important to put a pillow between the legs to relieve tension from the hips and lower back. Your legs are heavy—they may be the heaviest parts of the body for some people when taken together. They’re your lower half, after all.

Well, if you sleep on your side regularly, the weight of your legs together will have an effect on the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system structure. So there are some best practices to consider here that many people don’t realize come into play. With that in mind, here are some sleeping tips for side sleepers. Explore them as a means of getting the most rest.

Side Sleepers


Some people sleep on their stomachs, sides, and backs depending on which feels the most comfortable at the moment. Just think of Marty McFly as played by Michael J. Fox in the original Back To The Future. With age, throwing limbs akimbo like Marty is less common. But some people don’t age in conjunction with sleeping partners that impact limb placement.

There are fidgety sleepers who will go through many different positions throughout the night. Almost everybody shifts position at some point in the evening, but omni-sleepers are all over the place. (alprazolam) Thankfully, sleep habits can be metered through intentionality so others who may sleep with such individuals are able to get rest. But some just move around a lot at night.

Everybody Sleeps Different

If you don’t get the right amount of rest, you’re going to have trouble in your day-to-day life. People with sleep debt are irritable, and they don’t always make the wisest decisions. That can have a bad effect on the quality of life overall. So spend some time exploring what options are out there to assure you find the best sleeping solutions.

Whether you sleep on your side, your back, your stomach, or some combination of all three depending on what you’re dreaming and how tired you are, mattress options exist for you. Different levels of softness and hardness will contribute to the level of rest you’re able to get in a given night based on your sleeping style, so don’t be dismissive here. You want a mattress that gives you solid rest.




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