8 Common Questions Asked About the Septum Piercing

septum piercing

When someone needs to depict a punk in media, they usually give the character a septum piercing. For a while, this gave the piercing a negative reputation.

With more and more celebrities sporting these piercings, they’ve become quite popular, however. You see tons of younger people with them every day.

If you’re thinking about getting one yourself, you most likely have a ton of questions. There’s always a little anxiety when needles are involved. (stitech.edu)

People don’t like pain. The fear is warranted, considering there are risks involved with any kind of piercings.

We can help ease up some of your worries. Here are the answers to common questions people have before they get a septum nose piercing.

1. What Is a Septum Piercing?

A septum piercing is a ring that goes through the squishy tissue between the nostrils. This soft flesh is also known as the columella, and it’s the sweet spot for septum piercings.

Many people also call septum piercings a nose ring. While this term is accurate, it’s misleading. Typically, a nose ring is a small stud located on the side of the nostril.

2. Is It Available to Everyone?

The answer is yes. This piercing is available even to those without a columella. The piercer will have no choice but to go through the cartilage instead.

Keep in mind that going this route does hurt more, and it will take a bit longer to heal. If you have a deviated septum, your piercing won’t be even either. While this isn’t too much of a big deal, it does bother some people.

3. Does It Hurt?

This is the most common question that people ask about septum piercings. On a scale of 1-10, your pain will most likely be a 2 or 3. It’s not a difficult piercing to sit through.

As long as you go to a professional, you shouldn’t feel much of anything when the needle goes through. If anything, the slight pull that happens when the piercer puts the ring through will feel a bit strange.

It might make your eyes water, and you’ll feel the need to sneeze. There’s sometimes a bit of soreness that occurs for a few days after you get your piercing, but it will be pretty manageable.

4. How Does the Process Work?

We’ve already talked a little bit about how the process works. The piercer will run a needle through the columella in your nose before they stick the ring through. There is a small bit of paperwork that you’ll have to do before you sit down in the chair, however.

Most professionals ask you to sign a waiver and show your ID when you walk in. After that, they’ll lay you back in the chair and disinfect the area.

The entire process is quick. You should be in and out within a few minutes or so.

5. Can You Hide It?

If you have a small septum piercing, you can hide it. All you have to do is flip the ring upside down. The only way someone will be able to tell if you have the piercing is if they get under you and try to look up your nose.

We will say that constantly moving your septum piercing jewellery can cause problems while you’re still healing. If your work won’t allow you to have it or you know your parents wouldn’t approve, it might be best for you to skip out on this piercing.

6. How Much Does It Cost?

So, how much is a septum piercing? The price can range anywhere between 40-100 bucks. (frozenropes.com) How much you pay will depend on a few factors.

You’ll spend more if your piercer is more experienced. The location of the studio and what jewelry the piercer uses will also play a large role in the price.

You’ll want to leave a little wiggle room in your budget for aftercare products, and you should always leave a generous tip.

7. Are There Any Risks Involved?

Like anything in life, there are a few risks that you should consider before you proceed with the process. If the jewelry that the piercer uses is made with nickel, it can cause an allergic reaction.

Any opening in the skin can lead to an infection of some kind if you aren’t careful. If the piercer damages the blood vessels in your nose, it can cause septal hematoma.

Septal hematoma is a condition where blood collects between your tissue lining and cartilage. It can cause swelling, congestion, and an uncomfortable amount of pressure.

8. How Long Does It Take to Heal?

Your septum piercing should start to heal up after two to three months. For some people, the process can take a little longer. You may still find yourself healing up after 6 months or more.

We will say that you’ll recover a bit faster if you follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions. You should also avoid touching the piercing while the area is still healing.

If you experience any of the complications that we mentioned above, your recovery will get set back a bit, as well.

Common Septum Piercing Questions Everyone Has

Are you considering getting a septum piercing? While it once had a bad reputation, more and more people are starting to wear these stylish piercings.

As you can see from the FAQ, the process doesn’t hurt, and it’s rather quick. As long as you go to a professional, you shouldn’t experience any nasty side effects or run into complications.

For more tips involving piercings, feel free to explore the rest of our blog!


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