3 Symptoms that Indicates you are Infected with Chlamydia STD

Symptoms Chlamydia STD

Sexually Transmitted Disease is getting worrisome for many individuals, particularly teenagers who are sexually active. New STD cases are ramping up all across the globe, with infections like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis ranking the top 3 in the STD toll. STDs like HIV/AIDS have gone down drastically due to active HIV awareness campaigns and technological advancements in medicine that can help detect HIV in its early stages. In this article we walk you through on Chlamydia STD, its symptoms, treatment and much more.

What are STDs?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases are named after certain types of pathogens that cause serious infections by spreading via sexual contact. By sexual contact, it also covers oral sex as some people have a misconception that oral sex is safer than vaginal or anal sex, however, that’s not the case. Oral sex is as highly contagious as vaginal/anal sex. STDs are caused by various types of pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites.

Some STDs can also transmit from one another without any sexual contact, but by means of exchanging used razors, blood donations and other bodily fluids like mucus.

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia Trachomatis is a type of bacteria that is the root behind the cause of Chlamydia STD. This bacteria gets transmitted through intimate contact when you have sex with an infected person. If you are sexually active, that is having more than one sex partner then there are high chances of contracing STDs like Chlamydia and/or HIV.

The initial symptoms can appear like a flu, causing fever, chills and tiredness. This is one of the reason that people tend to ignore it in the first place and continue practicing sex, spreading the infection to every other partner.

3 Symptoms of Chlamydia

Symptoms of Chlamydia may not appear instantly after contracted from the infected individual. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it may take anywhere between a few days to several weeks to encounter the first symptom. If you are sexually active, then keep an eye on the following three symptoms, as they show you are infected with Chlamydia.

1. Painful urination

Since Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that gets its way into the body through urethra, the bacteria settles on the urinary tract and starts manipulating as the environment is moist for it to breed and cause infection. Thus, when you pass urine, the salty water coming in contact with the bacteria causes uncomfortableness making a burning or pain-like feeling.

2. Genital discharge

Genital discharge is a common symptom indicative of some form of urethral infection. Both men and women experience mucus-like discharge that can be of white, grey, green or yellowish coming from the genitals, primarily penile in men and vagina in women.

Some may also have rectal pain, if the Chlamydia bacteria has spread from the genitals to the rectum, rectal pain can be experienced. Anal sex can be a cause of rectal pain, as the bacteria directly spreads into the rectum.

3. Sore throat

Sore throat is one of the commonly seen symptoms for multiple STDs including Herpes, HIV and Gonorrhea. This comes along with fever and similar flu-like symptoms that can mislead people to think of it as a general flu-like disease and not a Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Treatment for Chlamydia

Unlike HIV, Chlamydia being caused by a bacteria can be terminated with the help of antibiotics prescribed over a period of time. However, this can be said only the infected are detected and diagnosed at an early stage. If you experience the above symptoms, then it is always a good idea to get tested for Chlamydia and to diagnose and treat it appropriately.

Leaving Chlamydia untreated can cause severe health complications such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) in women which causes severe infection in the fallopian tubes and other vital pregnancy organs. Severe infection might require hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics.

In men, the chlamydia organism can spread to a man’s prostate gland causing pain during or after sex, and lower back pain. Leaving it untreated can lead to infertility.


Conclusively, STDs can lead to severe health issues if not addressed in the initial stage. Symptoms like genital discharge, burning sensation while urination and sore throat are not to be taken lightly. Always screen for STDs once every six months if you are sexually active. Screening can help detect the infection even when you have no symptoms, resulting in better diagnosis and speedy recovery.


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