Bowling Gear Beginner Guide — Things You Might Want to Buy

Bowling Gear Beginner Guide

With the whole quarantine going on, a lot of people miss going outside and doing things they usually enjoyed. However, with the quarantine, a lot of people began to grow a strange interest in new activities. Some people began to get fixated over the idea of things like camping, jogging, hiking, swimming and even practicing sports like tennis, volleyball and other activities they could enjoy with new people. Among the activities that have started to grow in people’s minds, bowling is one of them. Here’s a Bowling Gear Beginner Guide.

The main idea is simple: you use a bowling ball to hit as many pins as possible, but there’s much more to it than that. Technique, a proper posture, the right bowling ball, as well as understanding the basics of the sport, is what truly make us good players.

But besides that, there are something people who want to try bowling as a hobby have to have, and that’s the right gear and equipment. Usually, beginners would just practice with the things an alley can provide, like shoes, gloves, and a ball, but those who are still learning but are motivated enough to make an investment, want to have their own stuff.

That is why, in this beginner guide, we will guide you through some of the necessary things you might need as a beginner practitioner.

The Ball, A Brother in Arms

It is very recommended for beginners to have their own bowling ball. This is because there are many different types of options in the market and choosing the right one for a beginner comes a long way.

You see, most of the balls available on the market enter two categories: heavy and lightweight balls. The first category is more recommended for people that have experienced and have practiced enough to handle the weight without injuring themselves.

The second category, however, is better for those who are learning because they don’t put as much pressure on the hand and wrist as heavy balls do. A light ball is also much more manageable, and comfortable, and can also help people remain consistent. 

That is why try to look for a ball that suits you the most. Afterward, you can always change it or add a new one to your collection, but if you are a beginner, try to go for one that will certainly aid you in the process of learning the basics. If you are interested, you can always check for a more detailed guide on the matter.

A Proper Bowling Bag

A bag will help you move your gear around and will be very handy to keep things organized. It is especially recommended if you already own a ball since they are made to at least carry one around in the most comfortable way possible.

The Shoes of a Bowler

You can always rent shoes on a bowling alley, but in the long-term run, it is always better to make the investment and own a pair of bowling shoes. The best thing about buying a pair of shoes is that you will find the ones that are most comfortable for you, which will help you with your posture and your slides, while also carrying your style.

A Towel for the Effort

A towel can save you a lot of trouble when you start sweating, and believe it or not, you might end up drenched if you are not careful. There will be occasions in where you will end up playing in a place that is not so cool, so sweating is just part of the experience. (

With a towel, you will get rid of some of the discomfort caused by this, and you will also make sure that sweat does not hinder your performance while playing.

Gloves and Other Protective Gear 

Gloves are also a good recommendation to add an extra layer of protection. However, they are not always necessary. Is more a matter of whether you feel comfortable with them or not. The same can be said from other protective gear you can find in the market. 

Some examples are shoe protectors, ball protectors, and cases meant to store your gear in a more neatly, organized way. It’s all up to you!


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