How to Make Baby Hair Grow Thicker: From Bald to Beautiful


Babies are a bundle of joy, and as parents, we want to ensure they are healthy and happy. However, one of the things that parents may worry about is their baby’s hair growth. Babies can be born with either a full head of hair or very little to no hair.

However, regardless of the amount of hair, parents want their baby’s hair to be healthy, thick, and beautiful. This article will explore how to make baby hair grow thicker, from nutrition to hair care practices and natural remedies. So, if you’re wondering how to go from bald to beautiful with your baby’s hair, keep reading!

Understanding Baby Hair Growth

Baby hair growth is a natural process that occurs in cycles. Therefore, knowing the normal hair growth cycle is important to understand how to make baby hair grow thicker.

The cycle starts with the growth phase, where the hair follicles produce new hair cells. This is followed by a resting phase, where the hair stops growing and remains in place. Finally, the hair falls out, and the cycle starts again. The duration of this process can vary, ranging from a few weeks to several years.

how to make baby hair grow thicker

Some babies may have thin or slow-growing hair due to various factors such as genetics, nutrition, or medical conditions. Parents can ensure that their baby gets
proper nutrition, including foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, which team
up as a strong natural source for contributing towards thicker hair growth.

Gentle hair care practices can promote hair growth, such as using a soft brush and avoiding tight hairstyles. Additionally, parents should be aware of any medical conditions that can affect hair growth, such as hypothyroidism or alopecia, and seek medical attention if necessary.

Nutrition for Thicker Baby Hair

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in promoting healthy hair growth in babies. While genetics can influence the thickness and growth rate of a baby’s hair, providing the necessary nutrients can help to make baby hair grow thicker and healthier.

There are several nutrients that parents can focus on providing in their baby’s diet to support hair growth. Protein is essential for building strong hair follicles, and iron helps to supply oxygen to the hair follicles, promoting growth. Vitamins like biotin, vitamin C, and vitamin E can also help to strengthen hair and encourage growth. Additionally, minerals like zinc, copper, and selenium can help to support healthy hair growth.

Parents can include specific foods in their baby’s diet rich in these hair-healthy nutrients. For example, eggs, yogurt, and cheese are excellent protein sources, while lean meats and dark leafy greens are rich in iron. In addition, biotin-rich foods like avocado and nuts and vitamin C-rich foods like berries and citrus fruits can also support hair growth.

It’s also essential to ensure that a baby’s overall diet is balanced, providing a variety of ingredients that support overall health and development. However, suppose a baby has specific dietary needs or restrictions. Then, a pediatrician can recommend appropriate supplements to ensure they get the nutrients for healthy hair growth.

Hair Care Practices for Thicker Baby Hair

Proper hair care practices are as important as nutrition when promoting babies’ thicker and healthier hair growth. Certain hair care habits can damage hair, while others can promote growth and prevent breakage.

Here are some tips for hair care practices that can help to make baby hair grow thicker:

Hair care habits that can damage hair

  • If hair is washed excessively or with harsh shampoos, it can lose its natural oils, causing dryness and breakage.
  • Hot tools like blow dryers or straighteners can damage hair and make it more prone to breakage.
  • Pulling hair back into tight hairstyles can also lead to breakage and damage.

Tips for washing, combing, and styling baby hair

  • Wash baby hair only as often as needed using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo.
  • A baby-specific brush or a wide-tooth comb can help gently detangle the hair, preventing damage.
  • Avoid using heat tools, and let hair air-dry whenever possible.
  • Opt for loose hairstyles that don’t pull on the hair, like loose braids or buns.

Advice on choosing safe and effective hair products

  • Look for baby-specific hair products that are gentle and free of harsh chemicals.
  • Avoid products that contain alcohol or fragrance, which can dry out and damage hair.
  • Consider using a leave-in conditioner or oil to help moisturize and protect hair.

Natural Remedies for Thicker Baby Hair

Regarding promoting thicker baby hair, some natural remedies may be worth considering in addition to proper nutrition and hair care practices. These remedies can help to nourish and strengthen hair, promoting healthy growth.

Listed below are some natural remedies that could assist in enhancing the growth of baby hair, making it thicker:

Some natural ingredients that may promote hair growth

how to make baby hair grow thicker

  • Coconut oil: This natural oil is rich in fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the hair, promoting growth and thickness.
  • Aloe vera: This plant’s gel can help soothe and moisturize the scalp, which may promote healthy hair growth.
  • Castor oil: The Vitamin E and fatty acids in this oil prevent breakage and help strengthen the hair.

Tips for making and applying homemade remedies

  • To use coconut oil, warm it in your hands and massage it into your baby’s scalp and hair. Then, wash it off after about 30 minutes with a gentle shampoo.
  • Mix the gel with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil to use aloe vera and massage it into the scalp. Wash using a gentle shampoo after 30 minutes.
  • Mix castor oil with carrier oil and apply it to the scalp and hair. It is advisable to leave it overnight before washing it out.

Cautions for using natural remedies on baby’s delicate skin

  • Always test a small patch of skin before applying any new remedy to your baby’s scalp or hair.
  • Be gentle when applying and removing the remedies to avoid damaging delicate baby skin or hair.
  • Consult a healthcare provider if there are signs of discomfort and irritation.


By following the tips and advice presented in this article, you can better understand how to make baby hair grow thicker. Remember that promoting thicker hair for babies is a gradual process and requires patience and consistency. Providing your baby with a balanced diet rich in nutrients, practicing gentle and safe hair care habits, and considering natural remedies can all help to promote healthy hair growth.


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