The Different Types of Cellulite, Explained

types of cellulite

Do you suffer from cellulite?

People of all shapes and sizes are affected by this unsightly and uneven fat buildup. In fact, over 80% of women report some degree of dimpling, puckering, or hardening—regardless of their weight!

If you’re sick of those divets and ripples, don’t despair. There are multiple options available for treatment. But, which is right for you will depend on what kind of cellulite you’ll be trying to treat.

Keep reading to learn about the different types of cellulite and what you can do about them!

The Types of Cellulite Explained

While you might never have known it, there are actually different types of cellulite. And, how to get rid of it will depend on how serious the situation is.

Has your cellulite suddenly become more noticeable? Don’t panic!

Your condition might not be getting more serious, but weight gain will make those dimples and divets more obvious. So, no matter what type of cellulite you have, hydrating, eating well, and exercising are key.

Soft Cellulite

Also known as first stage or flaccid cellulite, this is the condition’s most treatable form. And, if you’re paying attention, you might spot it before your skin begins to change texture!

Soft cellulite can begin as sagging skin or fat accumulation in specific areas. And, if you haven’t developed any major dimples yet, you could diminish its appearance with diet and exercise alone.

Hard Cellulite

As cellulite develops, it eventually begins to feel harder and more compact. This more severe form can affect even the most athletic of women, causing deep, visible depressions on the skin.

Not only does this create an unsightly “orange peel” appearance, but it can also become painful. And, if left untreated, it can advance in severity.

Edematous Cellulite

This severe form of cellulite may be due to poor blood circulation to the body’s developing fat deposits. As the cells harden, they can swell and become painful. They can also alter the skin’s surface shape, causing a highly visible effect. (Adderall)

Because edematous cellulite is related to edema and fluid retention, your doctor may prescribe lymphatic drainage or other medical treatments.

Banish Cellulite for Good

Now that you know about the different types of cellulite, you can identify which one you’re treating and take the next step. Remember, the goal is to reduce the appearance of those unsightly dimples and dents, but the chances are good that you’ll never be 100% cellulite-free.

Did you enjoy this article? If so, be sure to pass it on to a friend or two—no matter who you share it with, they’ll probably benefit from reading it. After all, eight out of ten of us are living with cellulite.

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