Five Ways To Live Up Your Guests At A Wedding Reception


It’s the greatest day of your life, or at the very least one of, and there’s always plenty going on at a wedding reception to keep your guests entertained. 

These days there are more and more extravagant and interesting ways to liven up a wedding party, keeping guests entertained long into the night, from those moments where the happy couple head off for photos, to the last partygoers standing in the early hours.

If you’re in the middle of wedding planning, then you’re probably in the middle of understanding how you can stitch together the perfect party. Well, lucky for you we’re here to help with a few ideas to really set apart your wedding from the rest…

Get A Live Band

It’s one of the more common methods of entertaining guests at a wedding, but is one that certainly works and makes for a truly memorable occasion.

There are many different ways in which you can integrate a band to play your wedding. You can go for a typical covers band, playing some of your favourite hits and classic party songs. You could consider a brass band, again playing funky covers. Or, if you have the budget or are friendly enough with them you could potentially book your favourite band! 

Of course, it may be a little difficult to book U2, but if you’re a fan of up-and-coming musicians and bands it may not be as difficult or expensive as you think to book them. 

Then, the evening can begin with your first dance with the band playing a live version of the song. It’s the perfect way to kick off your reception.

Play Bingo!

Everyone loves a game of bingo and you’ll make for a rather unique wedding integrating a game of it into your reception.

Bingo has become more and more popular over the last few years thanks to the rise in online gambling, where millions of players are enjoying the likes of SBK sign up offers each and every day. So why not get the blood pumping and add a game or two to your wedding party? 

You can offer fun prizes for the winners and it will certainly help with getting more people feeling involved with your special day, which can often be a problem for those guests who aren’t as close to the couple as others.

Set Up A Casino

Similarly, you can add a touch of glitz and glam to the occasion with a casino. Like bingo, casino games are really growing in popularity and a pop up casino in the reception really would go down a treat. 

There are plenty of companies that offer this, with a nice touch always being to donate the house wins to charity. Or perhaps even to your honeymoon fund?

It’s a great way for people to test their online blackjack or roulette skills and it isn’t every day people get to say they enjoyed a flutter at a wedding.

Garden Games

If your wedding has an outdoor space then an activity which is often enjoyed, getting all your guests involved, is garden games

The likes of boules, cricket, giant Jenga and even tug of war can be tons of fun. However, to take it to that extra level, why not split people into teams based upon the seating plan and make a bit more of a competition of them.

It’s a great way for guests to get to know one another and again is a way to make them all feel a little more involved with the occasion. 


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